How could the burden of GHG emission reduction be shared among countries? The article address this arguably basic question by purely statistical methods that do not rely on any normative judgment about the criteria according to which it should be answered.
Interconnected systems are prone to propagation of disturbances, which can undermine their resilience to external perturbations. Propagation dynamics can clearly be affected by potential time delays in the underlying processes. We investigate how such delays influence the resilience of production networks facing disruption of supply.
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier l’influence des nouveaux classiques sur la macroéconomie dans les années 1970 en mobilisant un appareil historiographique qui met au coeur de l’étude le rôle joué par la stagflation, et de confronter les résultats de cette étude avec l’histoire conventionnelle de la macroéconomie.
Cet article vise à dresser un état des lieux du reporting environnemental des sociétés du CAC 40 au regard des recommandations de la Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) du Financial Stability Board (FSB)
The goal of this paper is to propose and test stochastic differential equations for Goodwin’s model and one of its extension by using an estimation technique based on simulated maximum likelihood developed by Durham and Gallant (2002)
La Chaire Energie et Prospérité a organisé son troisième workshop sur la mobilité durable les 9 et 10 novembre 2017. Retrouvez dans cet article un résumé des interventions (en anglais) ainsi que toutes les présentations réalisées pendant le workshop.
The article studies the 1978 macroeconomics conference titled “After the Phillips Curve”, where Lucas and Sargent presented their fierce attack against structural macroeconometric models, “After Keynesian Macroeconomics”. It aims at enlarging the comprehension of changes in macroeconomics in the 1970s.
En amont du sommet climat qui se tiendra à Paris le 12 décembre 2017, France Stratégie et la Chaire Énergie et Prospérité ont organisé une table-ronde sur la contribution que le système financier peut apporter à la transition énergétique et la stabilisation du climat. Visionnez la vidéo avec les interventions de Laurent Clerc (Banque de France), Pierre Ducret (I4CE, CDC), Alain Grandjean (Carbone 4), Tim Jackson (Surrey University) et Sylvie Lemmet (Cour des Comptes).
Output-based allocations (OBAs) are typically used in emission trading schemes to mitigate leakage in sectors at risk. Recent work has shown they may also help to stabilize prices in markets subject to supply and demand shocks. We extend previous work to simultaneously include both leakage and volatility.
The paper studies pollution permit markets in which a fraction of permits are allocated to firms based on their output. Output-based allocations, which are receiving increasing attention in the design of carbon markets around the world are shown to be optimal under demand and supply volatility despite the output distortions they may create.