
What are the Drivers of Corporates’ climate transparency? Evidence from the S&P 1200 Index

Climate transparency through firms’ disclosures is often considered a prerequisite for the redirection of investments toward low-carbon economy. In order to provide effective incentives to improve this transparency, it is therefore crucial to identify its drivers.

Do French firms follow a transparent or climate-friendly path?

Our analysis of the Climate Risks and Opportunities Index (CRORI) and the CDP climate score reveal a parallel improvement of these indices with different sectoral disparities over the 2015–2019 period. While our results are encouraging, they need to be put into perspective because these firms are still far from being carbon neutral.

Mineral Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities

Access to EnergyMathieu CouttenierPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsWorking papersComments Off on Mineral Resources and the Salience of Ethnic Identities

Our findings suggest a new dimension of the natural resource curse: the fragmentation of identities, between ethnic groups and nations.

The design flaw in Sustainability-Linked Bonds

We examine in this paper sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) whose issuance now totals more than USD 200 bn. There is a structural design flaw in the SLB mechanism: setting a significant coupon step-up does not suit the issuer’s nor the investors’ interests, considering conditionality. This creates a no win situation for the issuer and investors alike and explains the “benign” use of SLBs by current market participants.

Essay on Energy Access and Chinese Import Competition in Africa

Access to EnergyDoctoral & master thesisPublicationsResearch areaComments Off on Essay on Energy Access and Chinese Import Competition in Africa

Les pays africains aspirent à un développement industriel pour diversifier leurs exportations, actuellement concentrées en ressources naturelles. Cependant, l’électrification et le renforcement de la compétitivité des entreprises nationales restent un défi lorsqu’elles font face à la concurrence des importations, notamment celle chinoise.

Crop prices and deforestation in the tropics

Understanding the mechanisms of deforestation is necessary in order to slow or arrest its progress. To accomplish this requires rigorously estimating the demand for deforestation. We contribute to this endeavor by estimating the effect of crop prices on the demand for conversion of land from forest to agriculture in the tropics during the 21st century.

Quantifying GHG emissions enabled by capital and labor: Economic and gender inequalities in France

Antonin PottierMacro-economical and societal challengesPublicationsPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsComments Off on Quantifying GHG emissions enabled by capital and labor: Economic and gender inequalities in France

Many studies have investigated the carbon footprint of households. Here we open a new field by discussing the emissions that individuals enable by providing labor and capital to companies, using the framework of income-based (downstream) responsibility. Our results show that inequalities in emissions do not strongly interact with economic inequality. Yet they are gendered because women work disproportionately in low-carbon intensive industries such as healthcare. As a result, women contribute less to GHG emissions than their wage share would seem to indicate.

Over-allocation profits and competition issues in the steel industry

Maria Eugenia SaninPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsSectoral PoliciesWorking papersComments Off on Over-allocation profits and competition issues in the steel industry

Sectors that are considered to be subject to international competition under the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) still benefit from free allocation of European Allowances (EUAs). Herein we study one of those beneficiaries: the crude steel industry. Our findings suggest the EU-ETS has failed to provide incentives for decarbonization in this sector.

There’s no price signal !

We address the long-standing challenge of adding optimal exploration to the classic Hotelling model of a non-renewable resource. We prove that a frontier of critical levels of proven reserves exists, above which exploration ceases, and below which it proceeds at infinite speed.

Attractiveness of Clean Energy Stocks in Europe: The importance of shocks in oil and gas prices

Maria Eugenia SaninPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsSectoral PoliciesWorking papersComments Off on Attractiveness of Clean Energy Stocks in Europe: The importance of shocks in oil and gas prices

This article identifies supply and demand shocks in the oil and gas market using monthly data (from January 2008 to December 2021) and explores their impact on clean energy stock returns in Europe. Our results show that a negative gas supply shock positively affects clean energy stocks, while a negative shock in global oil supply does not have a significant effect on clean energy stocks throughout the period studied.