Daily Archives: 27 January 2025

Carbon taxation in a global production network

Herein we study carbon taxation considering the structure of the global production network. With this purpose we characterize how the implementation of a carbon tax in one country-sector can generate sizeable fluctuations on global emissions and welfare through its impact on the structure of production.

Main challenges regarding development and sustainability in economics and finance

Maria Eugenia SaninPublicationsPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsSectoral PoliciesComments Off on Main challenges regarding development and sustainability in economics and finance

Balancing development and climate sustainability is a critical issue confronting nations worldwide. This is the core focus of our new journal, Development and Sustainability in Economics and Finance (DSEF). This article provides an initial overview of the type of research DSEF seeks to publish.

Warning words in a warming world: central bank communication and climate change

Financial regulation and innovative financingJérôme DeyrisPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsWorking papersComments Off on Warning words in a warming world: central bank communication and climate change

This paper studies climate-related central bank communication using a novel dataset containing 35,487 speeches delivered by 131 central banks from 1986 to 2023. It employs natural language processing techniques to identify and trace the evolution of key climate-related narratives centred around (i) green finance, and (ii) climate-related financial risks. Equity returns of “green” firms outperform those of “dirty” firms when central banks engage more frequently and intensely with climate-related topics.

Mission Accomplished? A Post-Assessment of EU ETS Impact on Power Sector Emissions

Maria Eugenia SaninPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsSectoral PoliciesWorking papersComments Off on Mission Accomplished? A Post-Assessment of EU ETS Impact on Power Sector Emissions

This paper leverages a new method in the construction of credible counterfactuals for causal inference. This paper adopts a Bayesian structural time series (BSTS) modeling framework alongside a set of contemporaneous predictors related to power sector emissions to build counterfactual estimates of emissions for each post-intervention period and analyze the policy implementation effect by comparing actual emissions with counterfactual estimates.