
La finance durable : Où en est la recherche académique ?

L’objectif de cet article est de faire un état des lieux des travaux sur la finance durable à travers une analyse bibliométrique de la base de données WoS entre 1981 et 2018.

Higher cost of finance exacerbates a climate investment trap in developing economies

Finance is vital for the green energy transition, but access to low cost finance is uneven as the cost of capital differs substantially between regions. This study shows how modelled decarbonisation pathways for developing economies are disproportionately impacted by different weighted average cost of capital (WACC) assumptions.

Relocation in presence of polluting and heterogeneous technologies

This paper demonstrates that the offshoring of a dirty firm as compared to the offshoring of a clean firm is worse for the environment, better for northern consumers, and better for the domestic profits. The results are reversed in case of reshoring.

Thèse – Economic growth, energy use and climate change : a historical and prospective approach

Achieving the energy shift requires an evolution of the structural and financial structures to develop, finance, and deploy low-carbon assets. Based on a historical and prospective approach, this PhD thesis develops four essays devoted to an analysis of the viability of the energy shift within the framework of a structural approach.

Thèse – Déploiement des énergies renouvelables : déterminants globaux et financement participatif en france

The focus of this thesis is the French renewable energy crowdfunding sector because it has experienced a strong growth in the context of a favorable regulatory environment. I conduct a case study of a French crowdfunding platform specialized in renewable energy projects to better understand its business model and the risks associated with it.

The Energy for a Climate Integrated Model: Description and Application to Italy

We develop an open-source Python software integrating flexibility needs from Variable Renewable Energies (VREs) in the development of regional energy mixes. It provides a flexible and extensible tool to researchers/engineers, and for education/outreach.